You may work from home in a remote or hybrid position. Or you may need to travel for your job. Or you might want to escape the city and work somewhere by the sea that week. For these, you may want to get out of your cubicle in the office and get Cubicl.
Cubicl facilitates the communication of remote teams, enables employees to follow their tasks from a single place, and work together on a project. Here are some tips for remote working with Cubicl.

Remote Work with Cubicl
Follow Your Task on a Timeline
On the timeline, tasks you need to do are sorted by their deadlines. Also, they are grouped as: Overdue, Today, Tomorrow, This Week, Next Week, This Month. All you have to do is complete all the tasks for that day. When you complete a task, it will be removed from the timeline.

Forget Online Meetings or Phone Calls
You can work on a task with your teammates. In this case, you do not have to make a phone call or organize an online meeting just because you are working remotely. In Cubicl you can correspond under the task. Share your questions here. Write down all the details of what you did on this task that day. Get the opinion of your teammates. Remember: 'Verba volant, scripta manent'. Which means spoken words might easily be forgotten, but written documents can be conclusive.

Access Files Anywhere
You can attach files to projects, tasks and chat threads. You can store project-related documents on the Projects page. Drive and Dropbox integrations also make things easy. Thus, you can access the document you want from anywhere.

No Need Another Chat App or Email for Remote Work
Thanks to chat box in Cubicl, you don't need to send e-mails to your teammates or ask question to them about tasks via phone call. You do not be your cubicle in your office just because you have some questions to your team. You can make announcements, share files, and communicate with them without using another app.

Don’t Ignore Notifications
"Hey James, have you looked at this assignment?", "Natalie, did you review the report I sent?" We receive ”reminders” like that when we are office. We are thus reminded that we must take care of that task. When working remotely, you are on your own and it is your responsibility to keep track of tasks. In Cubicl, you receive notifications for the tasks you are follow. When you track these notifications, you will see that everything is done on time. You will also receive notifications for your teammates' messages. Thanks to these notifications, you can have a quick conversation and take action easily.

Let Your Teammates See What Task You're Working On
You can use the time tracker to record the time you spend on the task while remote working. Herewith, your team can get a report of the time you spent on tasks from the Reports page of the project. This way, you don't have to hold long meetings and express how much time you spend on which task.

When you start the time tracker, your teammates can see what task you are working on on their home page. In this way, they can understand which task you are actively working on. Or whether you're on a break.

Best Mobile App for Remote Work
Cubicl is a SaaS software. So you can use it from anywhere as long as you are connected to the internet. However, you may not always have your computer with you while you are remote. For such cases, Cubicl's mobile application will help you. Download the app, log in and start following tasks and notifications.

Best for Remote Work: Cubicl
Cubicl is an application that have many comprehensive features. In addition to the above features, you can view your projects from the Gantt Chart, access your customers' information, share tasks and files with your customers via Client Portal, and get reports for your projects. And much more. Explore Cubicl and discover the features best suited for your remote work setup.